Indiana – A heartbreaking and shocking story is unfolding in Indiana, where a young mother is accused of almost killing her one-year-old daughter. Police say the mother, 20-year-old Alexandria G. Ring, admitted to throwing her baby because she “couldn’t handle” the child’s crying. The little girl suffered severe head injuries, including brain swelling, that required emergency surgery to save her life.
A Cry for Help Turns into Tragedy
The incident happened on Tuesday, November 19, in Evansville, Indiana, a town about 165 miles from Indianapolis. Around 5:25 p.m., officers were called to a home on S. Kentucky Avenue after someone reported a child was unresponsive. When first responders arrived, they found the little girl in a dire state.
She was rushed to the hospital, where doctors discovered multiple injuries, including bleeding in her brain and bruises on her forehead, arms, stomach, and behind her ears. Medical staff immediately performed emergency surgery to relieve pressure on her brain.
A Mother’s Confession
When police questioned Ring, her story was chilling. She told investigators that earlier that afternoon, her daughter had an accident because her diaper didn’t fit properly. After changing her, the baby started crying. Ring said the crying overwhelmed her, and in her words, “set her off.”
She admitted she threw her daughter into a playpen in frustration. At first, she claimed she dropped the baby accidentally because her pregnant belly made it hard to lean over the playpen. But later, she added that after picking up her daughter, she placed her on the floor, where the child fell face-first into a cabinet and hit her head on a metal piece.
A Delayed Call for Help
What makes this story even more heartbreaking is what happened next. Instead of calling 911 right away, Ring waited for hours as her daughter’s condition worsened. According to police, the baby was lethargic and slipping in and out of consciousness, but Ring didn’t call for help until her boyfriend came home from work around 5:23 p.m. She had texted him earlier, worried about the baby, but still didn’t seek medical attention until much later.
Facing the Consequences
Now, Ring is in jail, facing serious charges of neglect and domestic battery. She’s being held on a $15,000 cash-only bond and has been ordered to have no contact with her daughter.
The little girl’s fight isn’t over. While the emergency surgery saved her life, her road to recovery will likely be long and uncertain. Meanwhile, Ring’s first court hearing is scheduled for Monday, November 25.
This case has left the community stunned, raising questions about how someone so young could reach a breaking point that led to such a tragic outcome. It’s a sobering reminder of the challenges young parents can face—and the devastating consequences when those challenges spiral out of control.